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Imperative in option messages?

Where have you seen word "forbidden" in „Næj dymæn“?

Bouron20:35, 5 June 2011

„Næj ..æn“ is a modal construction showing objective impossibility, when something is impossible because of external reasons (like when it's forbidden).

> Messages like Edit... are options. You don't need them to be in imperative.

..but they may be, as shown on Turkish example below and on many years of interface functioning. Your logic is only one of possible ways of thinking; surely it looks like the only one to you, because that's how you think.

Still it's not the Wikipedian way of doing when you come and just change the whole interface, not the obvious errors, but some relative metaphysics like verb modality — and in a week it's being pushed to all the projects from here. But well, I don't have the needed energy or motivation to insist or to revert all your edits, that would be even more unethical.

Amikeco20:58, 5 June 2011

You are not right. Næj and -æn are independent here. Нæй = Нæ ис; дымæн is possibility to дымын. Нæ ис дымæн = There is no possibility to smoke. Where is forbidden here?

Bouron22:47, 5 June 2011

„Нæ ис дымæн“ is evidently ungrammatical. The structure „...æn næj“ evidently is not independent, but it's a modal structure with its own meaning — like, say, continuous tense in English. You may read on Ossetic modality elsewhere.

Amikeco05:41, 6 June 2011

Indeed the Finnish has the same. Logic is that the user commands the application/website to do something for him.

Nike06:47, 6 June 2011