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Manager vs. Verwalter

Administrator is used in the context already for another role, so not available.

I don't agree about the connotaion: Manager is used in the press not with a bad connotation as far as it is: daily press (spiegel, FAZ, Zeit, Handelsblatt, business categories, business magazines, Wirtschaftswoche). Typical usage in articles is "Topmanager", "Spitzenmanager". SPON runs even a column to emphasize good performances of the middle management ("Nach Dikatat verreist"). One of the major business magazines is named Manager (http://www.manager.de/).

Exceptions are commentary ("Kolumnen"), especially of left wing bloggers (SPON without Fleischhauer). The other exception is reporting on law suits on managers.

On Wikipedia they use "bureaucrats" for a special role ;-) there i would agree on a negative connotation when i never heard the word with a good connotation :-D Did you?

Lib2know (talk)12:08, 8 September 2015

What about a more positive Word which stresses the leading function either: "Leiter"? Or, cause of managers relation to projects on iNaturalist, it could be more precise: "Projektleiter"?

I think most would like a role with that name, probably more than "Verwalter" and even "Manager".

Lib2know (talk)12:19, 8 September 2015

I agree that "Projektleiter" appears a very good choice that likely most "Projektleiter"s would like, and very many would prefer over "Manager".

Purodha Blissenbach (talk)09:54, 12 September 2015