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Use French when no translation

Thank you for listening and considering all our arguments. I have a question for you. How is it that French citizens, knowing perfectly French and having an excellent French language wiki at their disposal choose for some of them to give thousand of hours of their time to translate strings or write articles for a tool they perfectly know could never ever compete with the French one. And why is it that some others prefer to read best bad Breton articles than consulting directly a good one writen in French? This is one thing. Secondly, you talk about improving the way of finding messages to translate. Seems a good idea to me although I do appreciate already Translatewiki since years because I was already here working for Breton when it was called Nukawiki. So I value all the impovement that have been made since the beginnig. The thing is it is still very uneasy to find a particular string because one can't make a globabl search. You have to know in what section the string is. So one has to search in wiki strings, and then in wiki extensions, and so on. Although, it is not possible to search from a part of a word only, which is very bad in particular for Celtic languages where the first consonnant of a word change depending on grammar. For example if I want to search the word kemennadenn, I have to search it three times, I need to get kemennadenn, gemennadenn, c'hemennadenn and this in every possible section. This is time consuming. And of course, the big news is that now we have French language in our wiki where it used to be English. So now it is just impossible for translators like me to find the string we want to translate because we see a French string on our wiki and we don't have a clue of what is it we have to search in English because we don't have access to the original string anymore. May be you can understand, this is not what I call an improvement for the Breton wiki. And last but not least it would be very nice, in order to homogenize terminology more efficiently if it were possible to replace one specific word in a more systematic way, a bit like the search & replace function in Word.

Fulup (talk)14:01, 26 February 2017