- Mwoauth-form-description-allwikis (“
Hi $1,
In order to complete your request, $2 needs permission to perform the following actions on your behalf on all projects of this site:
$4 - Mwoauth-form-description-onewiki (“
Hi $1,
In order to complete your request, $2 needs permission to perform the following actions on your behalf on $4:
$5 - Mwoauth-form-description-allwikis-nogrants (“
Hi $1,
In order to complete your request, $2 needs permission to access information on all projects of this site on your behalf. No changes will be made with your account. - Mwoauth-form-description-onewiki-nogrants (“
Hi $1,
In order to complete your request, $2 needs permission to access information on $4 on your behalf. No changes will be made with your account. - Mwoauth-form-description-allwikis-privateinfo (“
Hi $1,
In order to complete your request, $2 needs permission to access information about you, including your real name and email address, on all projects of this site. No changes will be made with your account. - Mwoauth-form-description-onewiki-privateinfo (“
Hi $1,
In order to complete your request, $2 needs permission to access information, including your real name and email address, on $4. No changes will be made with your account. - Mwoauth-form-description-allwikis-privateinfo-norealname (“
Hi $1,
In order to complete your request, $2 needs permission to access information about you, including your email address, on all projects of this site. No changes will be made with your account. - Mwoauth-form-description-onewiki-privateinfo-norealname (“
Hi $1,
In order to complete your request, $2 needs permission to access information, including your email address, on $4. No changes will be made with your account.