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From translatewiki.net
  • Zero-config-opt bool ("Parameter "$1" must be true or false")
  • Zero-config-opt string ("Parameter "$1" must be a string")
  • Zero-config-name ("Parameter "$1" must be an object that maps valid language codes to strings. e.g. { "en":"English", ... }")
  • Zero-config-show langs ("Parameter "$1" must be a non-empty list of valid language codes")
  • Zero-config-whitelisted langs ("Parameter "$1" must be a list of valid language codes. It must include all of languages listed in "showLangs", or be empty if all languages are allowed.")
  • Zero-config-langNameOverrides ("Parameter "$1" must be an object that maps valid language codes to strings. e.g. { "en":"English", ... }")
  • Zero-config-banner ("Parameter "$1" must be an object that maps valid language codes to strings. e.g. { "en":"English", ... }")
  • Zero-config-banner url ("Parameter "$1" must be a valid URL")
  • Zero-config-sites ("Parameter "$1" must be missing or be a list with one or more of these values: $2")
  • Zero-config-ips ("Parameter "$1" must be an array of valid non-restricted (no private networks) CIDR IP blocks")
  • Zero-config-admins ("Parameter "$1" must be an existing user account")
  • Zero-config-proxies ("Parameter "$1" must be a list of proxies supporting zero-rating for this carrier")