- Showpreview ("
Show preview
") - Sitejspreview ("
<strong>Remember that you are only previewing this JavaScript code. It has not yet been published!</strong>
") - Sitecsspreview ("
<strong>Remember that you are only previewing this CSS. It has not yet been published!</strong>
") - Sitejsonpreview ("
<strong>Remember that you are only previewing this JSON config. It has not yet been published!</strong>
") - Userjspreview ("
<strong>Remember that you are only testing/previewing your user JavaScript. It has not yet been published!</strong>
") - Usercsspreview ("
<strong>Remember that you are only previewing your user CSS. It has not yet been published!</strong>
") - Userjsonpreview ("
<strong>Remember that you are only testing/previewing your user JSON config. It has not yet been published!</strong>
") - Userjsyoucanpreview ("
<strong>Tip:</strong> Use the "{{int:showpreview}}" button to test your new JavaScript before publishing.
") - Userjsonyoucanpreview ("
<strong>Tip:</strong> Use the "{{int:showpreview}}" button to test your new JSON before publishing.
") - Usercssyoucanpreview ("
<strong>Tip:</strong> Use the "{{int:showpreview}}" button to test your new CSS before publishing.