- Backend-fail-alreadyexists ("
The file "$1" already exists.
") - Backend-fail-backup ("
Could not backup file "$1".
") - Backend-fail-batchsize ("
The storage backend was given a batch of $1 file {{PLURAL:$1|operation|operations}}; the limit is $2 {{PLURAL:$2|operation|operations}}.
") - Backend-fail-closetemp ("
Could not close temporary file.
") - Backend-fail-connect ("
Could not connect to storage backend "$1".
") - Backend-fail-contenttype ("
Could not determine the content type of the file to store at "$1".
") - Backend-fail-copy ("
Could not copy file "$1" to "$2".
") - Backend-fail-create ("
Could not write file "$1".
") - Backend-fail-delete ("
Could not delete file "$1".
") - Backend-fail-describe ("
Could not change metadata for file "$1".
") - Backend-fail-hashes ("
Could not get file hashes for comparison.
") - Backend-fail-internal ("
An unknown error occurred in storage backend "$1".
") - Backend-fail-invalidpath ("
"$1" is not a valid storage path.
") - Backend-fail-maxsize ("
Could not write file "$1" because it is larger than {{PLURAL:$2|one byte|$2 bytes}}.
") - Backend-fail-move ("
Could not move file "$1" to "$2".
") - Backend-fail-notexists ("
The file $1 does not exist.
") - Backend-fail-notsame ("
A non-identical file already exists at "$1".
") - Backend-fail-opentemp ("
Could not open temporary file.
") - Backend-fail-read ("
Could not read file "$1".
") - Backend-fail-readonly ("
The storage backend "$1" is currently read-only. The reason given is: <em>$2</em>
") - Backend-fail-store ("
Could not store file "$1" at "$2".
") - Backend-fail-stream ("
Could not stream file "$1".
") - Backend-fail-synced ("
The file "$1" is in an inconsistent state within the internal storage backends
") - Backend-fail-usable ("
Could not read or write file "$1" due to insufficient permissions or missing directories/containers.
") - Backend-fail-writetemp ("
Could not write to temporary file.