From translatewiki.net
- Usage:
- Documentation for all messages like "log-action-filter-*-*".
- First parameter is the log type, e.g. "block" or "suppress".
- Second parameter is the log action, e.g. "reblock" or "event".
- Example:
{{ doc-log-action-filter-action | 1=sample | 2=sampleaction }}
This message is used in a technical context. Do not translate it unless you are sure that all technical terms are handled correctly.
This is a MediaWiki log action filter action description for the "sampleaction" action of the "sample" log type. This message is seen as a filter option on Special:Log/sample. See the $wgActionFilteredLogs documentation for more information.
Related messages: [edit this list]
- MediaWiki Core messages
- ▸ all actions :
- Log-action-filter-translationreview (“
Type of action:
”) - Log-action-filter-all (“
- ▸ block :
- Log-action-filter-block (“
Type of block:
”) - Log-action-filter-block-block (“
”) - Log-action-filter-block-reblock (“
Block modification
”) - Log-action-filter-block-unblock (“
- ▸ contentmodel :
- Log-action-filter-contentmodel (“
Type of content model change:
”) - Log-action-filter-contentmodel-change (“
Change of content model
”) - Log-action-filter-contentmodel-new (“
Creation of page with non-default content model
- ▸ delete :
- Log-action-filter-delete (“
Type of deletion:
”) - Log-action-filter-delete-delete (“
Page deletion
”) - Log-action-filter-delete-delete redir (“
Redirect overwrite
”) - Log-action-filter-delete-event (“
Log deletion
”) - Log-action-filter-delete-restore (“
Page undeletion
”) - Log-action-filter-delete-revision (“
Revision deletion
- ▸ import :
- Log-action-filter-import (“
Type of import:
”) - Log-action-filter-import-interwiki (“
Transwiki import
”) - Log-action-filter-import-upload (“
Import by XML upload
- ▸ managetags :
- Log-action-filter-managetags (“
Type of tag management action:
”) - Log-action-filter-managetags-activate (“
Tag activation
”) - Log-action-filter-managetags-create (“
Tag creation
”) - Log-action-filter-managetags-deactivate (“
Tag deactivation
”) - Log-action-filter-managetags-delete (“
Tag deletion
- ▸ move :
- Log-action-filter-move (“
Type of move:
”) - Log-action-filter-move-move (“
Move without overwriting of redirects
”) - Log-action-filter-move-move redir (“
Move with overwriting of redirects
- ▸ newusers :
- Log-action-filter-newusers (“
Type of account creation:
”) - Log-action-filter-newusers-autocreate (“
Automatic creation
”) - Log-action-filter-newusers-byemail (“
Creation with password sent by email
”) - Log-action-filter-newusers-create (“
Creation by anonymous user
”) - Log-action-filter-newusers-create2 (“
Creation by registered user
- ▸ patrol :
- Log-action-filter-patrol (“
Type of patrol:
”) - Log-action-filter-patrol-autopatrol (“
Automatic patrol
”) - Log-action-filter-patrol-patrol (“
Manual patrol
- ▸ protect :
- Log-action-filter-protect (“
Type of protection:
”) - Log-action-filter-protect-modify (“
Protection modification
”) - Log-action-filter-protect-move prot (“
Moved protection
”) - Log-action-filter-protect-protect (“
”) - Log-action-filter-protect-unprotect (“
- ▸ rights :
- Log-action-filter-rights (“
Type of right change:
”) - Log-action-filter-rights-autopromote (“
Automatic change
”) - Log-action-filter-rights-rights (“
Manual change
- ▸ suppress :
- Log-action-filter-suppress (“
Type of suppression:
”) - Log-action-filter-suppress-block (“
User suppression by block
”) - Log-action-filter-suppress-delete (“
Page suppression
”) - Log-action-filter-suppress-event (“
Log suppression
”) - Log-action-filter-suppress-reblock (“
User suppression by reblock
”) - Log-action-filter-suppress-revision (“
Revision suppression
- ▸ upload :
- Log-action-filter-upload (“
Type of upload:
”) - Log-action-filter-upload-overwrite (“
”) - Log-action-filter-upload-upload (“
New upload
- MediaWiki Extension/Skin messages
- ▸ AbuseFilter :
- Log-action-filter-abusefilter (“
Type of filter change:
”) - Log-action-filter-abusefilter-create (“
New filter creation
”) - Log-action-filter-abusefilter-modify (“
Filter modification
- ▸ GlobalBlocking :
- Log-action-filter-gblblock (“
Type of global block:
”) - Log-action-filter-gblblock-dwhitelist (“
Global block whitelist removal
”) - Log-action-filter-gblblock-gblock (“
Global block
”) - Log-action-filter-gblblock-gunblock (“
Global unblock
”) - Log-action-filter-gblblock-modify (“
Global block modification
”) - Log-action-filter-gblblock-whitelist (“
Global block whitelist addition
- ▸ Centralauth (gblrights) :
- Log-action-filter-gblrights (“
Type of change:
”) - Log-action-filter-gblrights-groupprms (“
Global user group rights change
”) - Log-action-filter-gblrights-setmodify (“
Wiki set change
”) - Log-action-filter-gblrights-usergroups (“
Global user rights change
- ▸ Centralauth (globalauth) :
- Log-action-filter-globalauth (“
Type of change:
”) - Log-action-filter-globalauth-delete (“
Global account deletion
”) - Log-action-filter-globalauth-setstatus (“
Global account status change
- ▸ CentralAuth (suppress) :
- Log-action-filter-suppress-cadelete (“
Global account deletion
”) - Log-action-filter-suppress-setstatus (“
Global account status change
- ▸ FlaggedRevisions (review) :
- Log-action-filter-review (“
Type of review:
”) - Log-action-filter-review-accept (“
Manual accept
”) - Log-action-filter-review-autoaccept (“
Automatic accept
”) - Log-action-filter-review-unaccept (“
Manual unaccept
- ▸ FlaggedRevisions (stable) :
- Log-action-filter-stable (“
Type of configuration change:
”) - Log-action-filter-stable-config (“
New configuration
”) - Log-action-filter-stable-modify (“
Modified configuration
”) - Log-action-filter-stable-reset (“
Configuration reset
- ▸ Newsletter :
- Log-action-filter-newsletter (“
Type of action:
”) - Log-action-filter-newsletter-issue-added (“
New issue announcements
”) - Log-action-filter-newsletter-newsletter-added (“
Newsletter creation
”) - Log-action-filter-newsletter-newsletter-removed (“
Newsletter deletion
”) - Log-action-filter-newsletter-publisher-added (“
Publisher addition
”) - Log-action-filter-newsletter-publisher-removed (“
Publisher removal
- ▸ Translate :
- Log-action-filter-pagetranslation (“
Type of action:
”) - Log-action-filter-pagetranslation-aggregategroups (“
Aggregate groups modification
”) - Log-action-filter-pagetranslation-delete (“
Page deletions
”) - Log-action-filter-pagetranslation-discourage (“
Translation discouragement
”) - Log-action-filter-pagetranslation-encourage (“
Translation encouragement
”) - Log-action-filter-pagetranslation-mark (“
Mark for translation
”) - Log-action-filter-pagetranslation-move (“
Page moves
”) - Log-action-filter-pagetranslation-prioritylanguages (“
Priority languages modification
”) - Log-action-filter-pagetranslation-unmark (“
Removal from translation
- See also: Template:Doc-log-action-filter-type
Maintenance: List of missing parameter