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Summary:Support/Delete Portal:chm?

From translatewiki.net
CLOSED This issue is closed

decided to change it to somewhat like portal:kln.

Portal:chm is for the Mari macro-language (in Russia), see:
  • Portal:Mhr : mari/tchérémisse oriental (des prairies) (олык (лугово-восточный) марий/черемис)
  • Portal:Mrj : mari/tchérémisse occidental (des collines) (кырык мары/горномары)
Portal:kln is another completely unrelated macro-language (mostly in Kenya) and in another family (Nilo-Saharan, not Uralic) which comprises 9 other languages (and their various dialects).
No need to delete, but instead inform users correctly. Verdy p (talk) 06:16, 10 September 2019 (UTC)