E-mail notification. Parameters:
- $1 - a user name, plaintext. Can be used for gender support
- $2 - a semicolon separated list of Notification-user-rights-add (“
You are now a member of {{PLURAL:$2|this group|these groups}}: $1
”), Notification-user-rights-remove (“You are no longer a member of {{PLURAL:$2|this group|these groups}}: $1
”) - $3 - the email footer
See also:
- Notification-user-rights (“
Your user rights [[Special:Log/rights/$1|were {{GENDER:$1|changed}}]] by [[User:$1|$1]]. $2. [[Special:ListGroupRights|Learn more]]
”) - Notification-user-rights-flyout (page does not exist)
- Notification-user-rights-email-batch-body (“
Your user rights were {{GENDER:$1|changed}} by $1. $2.
”) - Notification-user-rights-email-subject (“
{{GENDER:$3|Your}} user rights have changed on {{SITENAME}}